Coral being taken over by algae, yet still alive :\ and a common gold wrasse
Giant Hawkfish
School of Grunts

King Angel Fish

Some Encrusting Corals, Pocillopora coral, common gold wrasses, a couple angel fish

White Tip Reef Shark and 2 Panamic Porkfish


Coral Hawkfish, Pocillopora coral

White crested blenny
The next day we got on a boat and left for a Marine Protected area that is protected within 3km of the island. The visibility that day was increadible 50ft plus and I finally got to scuba dive without a wetsuit for once. Upon dropping down our divemaster took us to a small cave/hole where two harlequin shrimp were hanging out. pretty cool! We proceeded to check out the area on our first dive, confronted by an incredible amount of diversity I was blown away. Tons of gobies, angelfish (King Angel Fish, Cortez Angel Fish) A sea turtle, 3 white tip reef sharks, a giant hawkfish, cool garden eels, in the middle of them saw a JAWFISH (favorite fish) cool Gofftail Pompano Jacs, Panamic porkfish etc on and on. SO MANY FISH. These have been some of the most incredible dives i've ever been on. The amount of diversity that is able to pack into such a small area is amazing. Tons of live coral surround by coral spotted hawkfish and green chromis. Territorial damselfish . .. i could probalby rant and rave about this topic for a few more paragraphs. We took a break to snorkel before goin on our second dive. After the second dive we had lunch on the island and went on a quick hike to check out some ancient SW Costa Rican indian artifacts. Large perfectly sphereical stones placed likely to mark tombstones of great chiefs. Got to see a Basilisk (jesus christ lizard) along the way as well.
All in all one of the most incredible dives i've ever been on.
I like all the photos! This way of viewing your posts, especially the photos on a black background, is richer than seeing them in an e-mail, Captain Elmo. All you need to do is send me and Mom the link (she likes to be updated ASAP and not wait for me to forward stuff).
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful for this growing experience in your life, thanks to your Grandpa!
Love, Dad
Congratulations on surviving the scare in the jungle! Agree with Dado, it's great to "participate" in your trip via your blog and photos! Brother Chris